Our Story

We live in a very divisive world. Even though technology has made us more connected and, as a result, made the world a smaller and more intimate place, we have resisted trying to understand the perspectives and experiences of other people. Today, our divisions are holding us back, both as individuals and organizations, from moving forward in maximizing the skills, experiences and creativity that our diversity has given us.

As a teenager, I underwent a deceptive transformation. Externally I looked fine because I was chasing possibility. I was involved in things that uplifted my spirit and pushed me forward. Internally, however, my past trauma was eating me up. I was bound by bitterness and anger. Depression and suicidal thoughts came frequently. Fortunately, I was able to filter my inner turmoil through my faith. I learned how to confront my demons. I came to value conscious living, a self-awareness process which helped me  discover what influenced my feelings, obsessions, decisions, passions, compulsiveness.

Persevere to Excel, is self-explanatory. Exceeding the average takes sustained effort. But what is perseverance? Where does it come from? What fuels it? Perseverance is often mistaken for “toughing it out.” But toughing it out is an adrenaline rush, good for the short run but not the long haul. Toughing it out is running on empty, which is not sustainable. Perseverance, on the other hand, is a renewable energy source. It is fueled through constant introspection and acquisition, by forces inside you and outside you. Only by identifying those forces is perseverance possible. And only with genuine perseverance is it possible to excel.

About Deo Mwano

Originally from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Deo Mwano is an innovative, multi-cultural leader in education, organizational leadership and social justice. He teaches, inspires, and motivates students to follow a path of self-improvement and dedication to others. In doing so, Deo draws on his often traumatic personal experience as well as his educational background.Growing up during a violent civil war, Deo faced much misfortune. At age nine, he became the patriarch of the family. It wasn’t easy. But after moving to the United States in 2000 with his mother and three younger brothers, he found his voice.A gifted performer and presenter, Deo connects with others through dance and motivational speaking. His talents have been welcomed at Yale University, NHPR’s Word of Mouth, The Moth storytelling at GCIR annual event, TEDxAmoskeagMillyard, Ethiopian Community Development Council (ECDC), Politics and Prose, which emphasized the importance of global and social awareness.

Learn More about Deo’s work at Deomwanoconsultancy.com